
Import Data
is a user-friendly, interactive, open-source R-Shiny web application for
exploring and visualizing potential gene cis-regulatory elements (CREs)
based on
Users can upload customized data or re-analysze public datasets, then obtain genome-wide CREs with simple clicks. All the CREs are predicted from multi-omics sequencing data, rather than being experimentally determined.
The main feature of Linkage
is to identify potential CREs for the whole genome by
performing a canonical correlation analysis
between chromatin accessibility and gene expression from the same sample.
Additional modules
are developed to allow users to
perform deeper and more systematic analyses for the links between ATAC-seq peaks and target genes
RNA-seq Data
ATAC-seq Data
Regulatory Peaks Search Module
allows users to
detect all potential regulatory DNA regions for a specific gene
. When given an
input gene
search scale
, Linkage automatically performs canonical correlation analysis between the quantitative expression level of the
input gene and each quantitative chromatin accessibility measure in the region across all samples. Users can easily
adjust the search scale and correlation analysis algorithm (
spearman / pearson / kendall
). Then, all the statistically significant results are listed in the
Potential Cis-regulatory Regions panel
. By clicking on a specific entry of this panel, users can view
the scatter plot of quantitative chromatin accessibility and gene expression from the
Correlation Plot panel
. The corresponding
for the correlation analysis will also be shown on the scatter plot.
Target Gene Information Table
Regulatory Peaks Visualization Module
allows users to
visualize the coverage of mapped ATAC-seq reads around a given specific regulatory peak,
as well as the corresponding quantitative expression of the target gene of this regulatory peak
. Users initially
select a regulatory peak
that is obtained from the Regulatory Peaks Search Module. Linkage then categorizes samples into five groups
based on the quantitative chromatin accessibility of the specific regulatory peak, ranging from low to high for each sample. The
coverage track of mapped ATAC-seq reads
and the
expression boxplot of the target gene
for each group will be shown simultaneously.
Target Gene Information Table
Selection of Regulatory Peaks
Regulatory Peaks Annotation Module
allows users to
visualize the annotation of the predicational regulatory peaks for genes that are given in the previous module
. Once users click
'Annotate Regulatory Peaks'
, Linkage will perform the annotation of all predicational regulatory peaks in terms of genomic location
features, including whether the peaks are in the TSS, Exon, 5' UTR, 3' UTR, Intronic, Intergenic, and the position and strand information of the
nearest gene of the peaks. The corresponding information is deposited in the
Regulatory Peaks Annotation Table
. Meanwhile, Linkage also produces the
for effectively visualizing the overlaps and distribution in the annotation of peaks.
Cis-Regulatory Elements Detection Module
supports users to
visualize the enriched TFBS within potential regulatory peaks
. By clicking on a specific regulatory peak, users can view the location and binding score
information of each enriched TFBS of this DNA region from the
Motif Scanning Table
. Once users select one TFBS of this table, the corresponding
sequence logo
of this CREs will appear in the
Sequence-logo Plot panel
Target Gene Information Table
Selection of Regulatory Peaks
Gene Regulatory Network Module
helps users
visualize GRNs whose nodes are represented by genes and their corresponding CREs that were inferred from previous analysis of Linkage
. First, users input a list of interested genes and TFs which was obtained from the previous analysis. Then users can customize a series of parameters in association with
building the GRN, including types of gene symbols, calculation methods, and thresholds of interactions between the nodes (edges of the GRNs). Once users click the
'Build the GRN'
button, Linkage will perform a
canonical correlation analysis of the quantitative expression level between each interested gene and their potential CREs
. The significant calculation results of correlation analysis are shown in the
Gene-TF Table panel
. Meanwhile, Linkage produces the corresponding informatic and interactive GRNs. Users can further easily change network layouts, select subnetworks, and save the GRNs as spreadsheets with interaction score or plots.
Pathway Enrichment Module
supports users to
visualize tabular and graphical pathway enrichment results of the interested genes/TFs
that were previously produced from other modules of Linkage. The pathway enrichment analysis can link them with underlying molecular pathways and functional
categories such as
gene ontology (GO)
Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)
. Within this module, users can input a
list of interested genes/TFs and set four key parameters (i.e., adjusted p-value cutoff, q-value cutoff, minimal size of annotated genes for testing, and
maximal size of annotated genes for testing) for pathway enrichment analysis. Then once users click the
'Build the Pathway'
button, Linkage
automatically performs GO and KEGG enrichment analysis. The corresponding enrichment categories will be returned in the
GO/KEGG Enrichment Table
. Finally,
Linkage implements several different visualization methods to interpret the functional results in the
GO/KEGG Enrichment Table
from multiple perspectives.
The tutorial of Linkage and corresponding R package (LinkageR) are available at this website.
If you have any technical or collaboration needs, please contact:
Siwen Xu (siwxu@gdpu.edu.cn)
Zenghui Liu (2470587020@qq.com)
Code Availability
The source code for Linkage can be found in this repository.
Cite Linkage
If you find Linkage useful in your work please cite:
Zenghui Liu, Shaodong Chen, Tianting Li, Chao Zhang, Yuyan Luo, Junxi Zheng, Zixiao Lu, Jin Yang, Siwen Xu. Linkage: an interactive shiny app and R package for linking of DNA regulatory peaks to genes. bioRxiv 2024.04.24.590756;doi:https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.04.24.590756.